Story Theatre Company is a registered non-profit society with a mandate to create theatre productions for young people that enhance and complement their learning experiences.
ACCESS: We tour our work to schools and public spaces in order to provide high-quality arts experiences in a format that is accessible for a wide-range of children in BC.
EDUCATION: We use the familiar content and style of improvisation and narrative-based storytelling in our productions. In the company's 40 year history, folk tales, fables, and classic literature were used to encourage enthusiasm for one's own reading, writing, and oral storytelling abilities. We now commission new works by Canadian playwrights with vibrant perspectives.
PARTICIPATION: Children learn through movement and play, which is why our productions encourage audience participation and building skills together. Story lives in all of us - and we are all a part of the show.
Let us help you find your own story.
You can do it, too!