Welcome teachers, educators, and parents!
At Story Theatre, we create thoughtful quality educational programming alongside our touring productions for a fully rounded theatre experience before the show and after the show.
When you book our touring productions at your schools or community centres, you will receive a comprehensive teacher’s guide with offerings to help you connect our shows to your broader curriculum, before and after the show. Teacher’s guides can include:
Theatre games and activities
Visual art activities
Interviews with key artists on the creative team
Creative prompts and exercises
Colouring sheets
Additional resources
1002 Nights by Izad Etemadi: Touring February 27- March 17 2023
50 mins + Q&A
With the generous support of ongoing donations, Story Theatre is able to make accessible online content for home learner families, classrooms, or alternative learning environments. Our online programming may be accessed for free and on-demand, and offers interaction with teaching artists who are trained to make learning experiences fun, engaging, and accessible. Our YouTube channel includes but is not limited to:
SchehereVlogz video series
Wee Peeks Variety Show for Kids
Story Club crafting videos
Trailers for our touring performances
Music videos
To book your touring production and teacher's guide, or online programming contact us at